Events Management

Event Management Solution

Our Event Booking Management App is meticulously crafted to simplify the process of planning and hosting events for both organizations and individuals. Packed with a comprehensive set of features, this application empowers users to seamlessly organize their events. From creating and managing tickets to overseeing event schedules, payments, and offers, our app consolidates all event details and guest information in one convenient location, facilitating efficient organization and tracking.

Tailwind CSS Integration

The user-facing website is developed using Tailwind CSS Module & Components, offering customization options for Tailwind classes. Generate minimal CSS effortlessly through npm commands


Effortless Event Listing

Organizers can effortlessly create and manage event listings, providing essential details such as event name, date, time, location, and description


Streamlined Payment Processing

Seamless ticket sales and payment processing are facilitated through third-party payment processor integration, ensuring a hassle-free experience


Comprehensive Ticket Management

Users enjoy features enabling them to efficiently manage their tickets, including viewing and downloading capabilities


Comprehensive Ticket Management

Diverse Ticket Types

Choose from four ticket types: Free, Paid, One Day Ticket, and All Day Ticket, catering to varied event requirements


Diverse Ticket Types

Versatile Event Types

Organizers have the flexibility to add two event types - Online Event and Venue Event (Offline Event) - offering versatility in event planning


Versatile Event Types

Efficient Event Scheduling

Empowering organizers with tools to manage multiple event schedules effortlessly, including creating and overseeing schedules for individual events


Guest Management

Users can effortlessly create and manage guest lists, streamlining the guest-invitation process


QR Code Integration

Our Scanner App validates ticket check-ins using QR codes generated after placing an order, ensuring a secure and efficient entry process


Discover Nearby Events Easily

The EventRight Pro User App & Website features a location-based search, enabling users to find nearby ongoing and upcoming events effortlessly


Discover Nearby Events Easily

Role-Based Access

The admin panel allows for the creation of multiple roles, enabling profile-specific access control. Collaborate effectively by creating additional admins with defined permissions


Role-Based Access

Multi-Language Support

The admin panel, organizer panel, and user website support multiple languages. Admins can easily download and upload translation files for a seamless multilingual experience


Multi-Language Support

FAQ and Privacy Policy

Dedicated sections for General FAQs and a privacy policy provide transparency and information accessibility for both administrators and mobile app users


Blog Pages for Promotion

Admins can create blog posts directly on the website, facilitating event promotion, marketing, and advertising efforts.


If you would like the service or have any related inquiries, our team is honored to assist you.